Thursday, April 24, 2008

Using sp_send_dbmail in HTML format

Using sp_send_dbmail , the data in sql server can be sent in HTML format.


I have a HTML file in the follwing format

and is saved as web.htm in a network location.

Here is the TSQL script that will send an email to a recipient in the HTML format using web.htm


declare @cmdshell varchar(1000)

if exists(select * from #cmdtable)
drop table #cmdtable

create table #CMDTABLE(line varchar(2000))

insert into #cmdtable
exec xp_cmdshell 'type "\\Your Network Share\web.htm" '

select @cmdshell = line from #CMDTABLE

exec msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail
@recipients = 'your email address'
,@body = @cmdshell
,@body_format = 'HTML'
,@subject = 'Testing with web.txt'

can use the same stuff for attaching a picture on the HTML page